The National Archives of Australia has created this website to: enhance understanding of Australia's national leadership and political history, provide a view of our political history from the top and through the documents dealt with by each of the Prime Ministers of Australia.
This is a whole-of-government single point of access (portal) that provides access to Internet-based government information and services across federal, State, Territory and Local levels.
The website is your connection with government in Australia. It links to information and services on around 900 Australian Government websites as well as selected state and territory resources. also searches over four million web pages from Australian, state and territory governments.
A database of information on elections, government and periods in office. It has been created by researchers at the University of Western Australia and is intended for anyone who wants to find out general information about Australian government and politics. (DB)
Australian Prime Ministers brings together cultural, community and contemporary resources from around the nation for the most complete picture of Australia’s prime ministers.
A website containing information on the latest activities of the Australian Parliament, including Senate debates and House debates. Also includes information on the members of the Senate and House of Representatives.
The Parliamentary Library is part of the Department of Parliamentary Services and provides services to senators, members, their staff, the staff of parliamentary departments and the Governor-General. The first library services were delivered to federal parliament in 1901 and continue to provide significant support to parliament and the democratic process.
This guide will assist you to locate relevant resources for your VCE Global politics units. The guide highlights books and articles that can be accessed online, and search strategies to efficiently access relevant information. SLV also has extensive collections of current journals accessible online. We also collect ebooks in this subject area.